Exploring GORM: The Fantastic ORM for Go

and the Django ORM for all you Pythonistas


We'll cover three main ideas:

  • What is an ORM and why should you be using one?
  • How to use GORM
  • How does GORM compare to other popular ORMs
    • Django ORM

What is an ORM?

Object–relational mapping is a technique for converting between relational databases and object-oriented programming languages.

Database Code
Table Class / Model
Column Field / Attribute
Relationships Field / Attribute

Why use an ORM?

  • Typed interaction with your database
  • Speed up development time
  • Prevent SQL-injection
  • Auto migrations
  • ➖ Higher level abstraction
  • ➖ Can lead to poor performance (N+1, etc.)


  • has one / belongs to
  • has many
  • many to many
  • polymorphism
  • single-table inheritance

Demo — Cars

  • has one
    • vehicle and driver
  • has many
    • vehicle and model
    • model and manufacturer
  • many to many
    • model and parts
  • polymorphism: gas and electric vehicles
  • single-table inheritance

Has many

  • A manufacturer has many vehicles

Many to many

  • A part can fit many vehicles and a vehicle can have many parts
  • When using GORM AutoMigrate, GORM will create join tables automatically

Has one

  • A vehicle has one driver, a person

SQL vs. GORM vs. Django ORM functions

SELECT * db.Select() q.Person.Select() queryset.all()
SELECT name db.Select("name") q.Person.Select(q.Person.Name) queryset.values("name")
WHERE name = 'Joe' db.Where("name=?","Joe") q.Person.Where( q.Person.Name.Eq("Joe")) queryset.filter(name="Joe")
LIMIT .Limit(10) q.Person.Limit(10) qs[:10]

Repository pattern

Active record vs. Data mapper
